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Browse Latest Insolvency Notices:

Appointment And First Meeting Of Creditors Of Company Under Administration

61 Lt Collins Street Pty Ltd

ACN: 079970479

ABN: 27079970479

Belgrave Street Developments Pty Ltd

ACN: 606647072

ABN: 49606647072

Grocon (480 Queen Street) Pty Ltd

ACN: 149586603

ABN: 11149586603

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon (Baroona Rd) Holdings Pty Ltd

ACN: 617571007

ABN: 26617571007

Grocon (Belgrave St) Developer Pty Ltd

ACN: 617489639

ABN: 97617489639

Grocon (Bouverie St) Holdings Pty Ltd

ACN: 092065355

ABN: 40092065355

Grocon (Bouverie Street) Pty Ltd

ACN: 079970353

ABN: 12079970353

Grocon (Carlton Brewery) Developments Pty Ltd

ACN: 158619053

ABN: 47158619053

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon (Castlereagh St, NSW) Pty Ltd

ACN: 094111510

ABN: 79094111510

Grocon (Cb) Development Manager Pty Ltd

ACN: 615590684

ABN: 40615590684

Grocon (Fairfield) Developer Pty Ltd

ACN: 145290795

ABN: 16145290795

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon (Fairfield) Pty Ltd

ACN: 137871231

ABN: 37137871231

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon (Fcad) Pty Ltd

ACN: 143621514

ABN: 65143621514

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon (Parklands) Holdings Pty Ltd

ACN: 148964836

ABN: 70148964836

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon (Pitt Street) Developments Pty Ltd

ACN: 626888588

ABN: 25626888588

Grocon (Pixel) Pty Ltd

ACN: 144954487

ABN: 65144954487

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon (Scots Church) Pty Ltd

ACN: 143388087

ABN: 12143388087

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon (Spring Street) Pty Ltd

ACN: 151382722

ABN: 13151382722

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon (Sq Stage 2) Developments Pty Ltd

ACN: 124614704

ABN: 27124614704

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon (Swanston Square) Holdings Pty Ltd

ACN: 158618841

ABN: 84158618841

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon (Victoria Street) Developments Pty Ltd Atf Various Trusts

ACN: 126741802

ABN: 33126741802

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon (Victoria Street) Pty Ltd

ACN: 120542707

ABN: 89120542707

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon Builders (VIC) Pty Ltd

ACN: 133299162

ABN: 27133299162

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon Constructors (Sa) Pty Ltd

ACN: 137871213

ABN: 33137871213

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon Development Holdings Pty Ltd

ACN: 133519114

ABN: 46133519114

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon Developments (55 Elizabeth St) Pty Ltd

ACN: 149678482

ABN: 78149678482

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon Developments (Box Hill) Pty Ltd

ACN: 152818221

ABN: 54152818221

Melbourne VIC 3000

Grocon Developments NSW Pty Ltd

ACN: 115182682

ABN: 25115182682

Grocon Operations Pty Ltd

ACN: 113588702

ABN: 46113588702

Grocon Qv Investments Pty Ltd

ACN: 100045574

ABN: 73100045574

Grocon Services Pty Ltd

ACN: 143758605

ABN: 93143758605

Melbourne VIC 3000

Qv No 1 Pty Ltd

ACN: 092065248

ABN: 15092065248

Qv No 2 Pty Ltd Atf Grocon Land Owning Trust 2

ACN: 092065257

ABN: 17092065257

Qv No 3 Pty Ltd Atf Grocon Land Owning Trust 3

ACN: 092065284

ABN: 23092065284

Qv No 4 Pty Ltd Atf Grocon Land Owning Trust 4

ACN: 092065319

ABN: 32092065319

Qv No 5 Pty Ltd Atf Grocon Land Owning Trust 5

ACN: 092065337

ABN: 36092065337

Qv Property Management Pty Ltd

ACN: 104652913

ABN: 80104652913

Melbourne VIC 3000

Qv Pty Ltd

ACN: 092065195

ABN: 91092065195

Published: 30/11/2020

The purpose of the meeting(s) is to consider:

  1. whether to appoint a committee of inspection; and
  2. if so, who are to be the committee ' s members.

At the meeting, creditors may also, by resolution:

  1. remove the administrator(s) from office; and
  2. appoint someone else as administrator(s) of the Company.



Sydney Liquidator

JLA Insolvency & Advisory are a boutique insolvency practice based in the Sydney CBD. We work with a variety of corporate clients including private equity firms, listed and unlisted companies, first and second tier financiers and wealthy individuals.If you are experiencing financial distress or if you need any assistance with an insolvency related matter contact us for an obligation free discussion on how we can help.