General Meeting Of Members
Aav Australia Pty Ltd
ACN: 080533955
ABN: 72080533955
Aav Digital Pictures Network Pty Ltd
ACN: 080534363
ABN: 81080534363
ACN 127 342 296 Pty Ltd
ACN: 127342296
ABN: 88127342296
Be8 Holdings Pty Ltd
ACN: 100264248
Be8 Pty Ltd
ACN: 095892354
ABN: 61095892354
Sc 1 Pty Ltd
ACN: 005533684
ABN: 90005533684
Sc 2 Pty Ltd
ACN: 064212157
ABN: 20064212157
Sc 3 Pty Ltd
ACN: 064212200
ABN: 45064212200
Sc 4 Pty Ltd
ACN: 061069823
ABN: 24061069823
Sc 5 Pty Ltd
ACN: 065643209
ABN: 52065643209
Sc 6 Pty Ltd
ACN: 065314847
ABN: 68065314847
Staging Connections (Investments) Pty Ltd
ACN: 091426103
ABN: 17091426103
Stg Ltip Nominees Pty Ltd
ACN: 080534292
ABN: 64080534292
Published: 6/3/2018
The purpose of the meeting(s) is to receive a report setting out an account of the liquidator
s acts and dealings and the conduct of the winding up of the Company(ies) for the 12 month period ending on 21 December 2017.
Other agenda items are:
- to receive and consider a report from the liquidator(s)
- to consider a summary of the receipts and payments of the liquidator(s)
- any other business
Hall Chadwick Chartered Accountants