Appointment And First Meeting Of Creditors Of Company Under Administration
Carnegie Clean Energy Ltd
ACN: 009237736
ABN: 69009237736
Emc Co Pty Ltd
ACN: 627357153
Emc Engineering Australia Pty Ltd
ACN: 126741900
ABN: 56126741900
Energy Made Clean Pty Ltd
ACN: 118300520
ABN: 77118300520
Published: 15/3/2019
The purpose of the meeting(s) is to consider:
- whether to appoint a committee of inspection; and
- if so, who are to be the committee
s members.
At the meeting, creditors may also, by resolution:
- remove the administrator(s) from office; and
- appoint someone else as administrator(s) of the Company.
Po Box 3185, East Perth Wa 6892
PoBox3185EastPerth WA 6892