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Browse Latest Insolvency Notices:

Meeting Of Creditors

Universal Dance Academy Pty Ltd

ACN: 130474716

ABN: 36130474716

Published: 10/3/2016

At the meeting creditors may consider a resolution:

  1. to appoint a committee of inspection and, if so, who are to be the committee members; and
  2. to remove the liquidator(s) from office and appoint someone else as liquidator(s) of the Company.

Other agenda items are:

1.To consider the Notice and Report to Creditors dated 8 March 2016;

2.To elect a chairman of the meeting;

3.To consider the Liquidator(s) Declaration of Independence, Relevant Relationships, Prior Engagements and Indemnities enclosed in the notice and Report to Creditors dated

8 March 2016;

4.To consider the Report As To Affairs of the Company;

5.To consider a statement to creditors by one of the Directors of the Company, disclosing the affairs of the Company and the circumstances leading up to the winding up;

6.To confirm my appointment as Liquidator or replace me;

7.To consider the appointment and constitution of a committee of inspection, if creditors see fit to appoint such a committee of inspection;

8.Approve the remuneration of the Liquidator;

9.Pursuant to Section 477(2A) of the Corporations Act 2001, to authorise the Liquidator to be able to compromise debts in excess $100,000;

10.Pursuant to Section 542 of the Corporations Act 2001, to authorise the Liquidator to destroy, at his discretion, the books and records of the Company within a period of six (6) months after the dissolution of the Company, subject to obtaining prior approval from the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC); and

11.Any other relevant business.

Jirsch Sutherland

Sydney NSW 2000

Sydney Liquidator

JLA Insolvency & Advisory are a boutique insolvency practice based in the Sydney CBD. We work with a variety of corporate clients including private equity firms, listed and unlisted companies, first and second tier financiers and wealthy individuals.If you are experiencing financial distress or if you need any assistance with an insolvency related matter contact us for an obligation free discussion on how we can help.